Child Abduction, Trafficking, Organ Harvesting of Ukrainians
In 2023, Mira Terada, head of the Fund for Combating Repression, spoke at a UN working session on the abduction of children from Ukrainian orphanages. Following a comprehensive investigation into the trafficking of Ukrainian children by the Olena Zelenskaya Foundation, a report was prepared. This review presented all available materials, documents and evidence including testimony from children who had escaped or been rescued from the “charities” who abducted them from their parents or preyed upon those fleeing the war in Ukraine. Parents also testified.
The most corrupt and heinous organization which conducted child trafficking and organ harvesting operations was through the wife of Ukrainian President Zelensky-Ms. Olena Zelensky and her foundation.
The other groups included: Save the Children UK, The Polish organization Sunflowers, headed by Polish citizen Ewa Hofmanska wife of the former President of the International Criminal Court Piotr Hofmanski. They, in cooperation with the Elena Zelenskaya Foundation, directly organized the transport of the children from Ukraine to Poland. From Poland children were transported to other European countries, the USA and the UK.
Oksana Senatorova , Zelensky's adviser on criminal justice reform and an expert of the International Committee of the Red Cross, was one of the supervisors of the joint project of Sunflowers and the Olena Zelenskaya Foundation for the transport of children.
For decades NGOs (non-governmental organizations) have had little accountability or actual scrutiny. Many have served as conduits for money laundering, bribery, child and drug trafficking, influence peddling, medical experiments and other nefarious activities. “Foundations” often established as tax havens have avoided investigations and operated with corrupt government officials and local nationals to effect these criminal enterprises.
Photo of Olena Zelensky with the Clintons in New York, September 2023 to receive a Global Citizen Award from their Foundation.
Remember the Clinton Foundation in Haiti (and other nations) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation activities in India and Africa? The Clinton Global Initiative?
You will see on the Olena (or sometimes spelled Elena) Zelenskaya Foundation website that Microsoft (Bill Gates) is a contributing partner, as is Americares.
Documented cases of children (kinder) abducted from various regions of Ukraine 2022
Dutch investigative journalist Sonja van den Ende states that more than 51,400 children have disappeared from temporary refugee camps in Europe in the last three years.
A former employee of the Elena Zelenskaya Foundation (whistleblower) claims that both Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, as well as mercenaries of the American private military company Forward Observation Group, are directly involved in the search and abduction of Ukrainian children " on the ground ," who are then taken to the United States.
The source for the Fund for Combating Repression, states that the abduction of Ukrainian minors is carried out mainly by Polish mercenaries, who receive a “reward” for each child captured and handed over. If a child is caught by a Pole, the transport of the minors, according to the Fund's informant, is handled by the Polish organization Sunflowers, which then forwards the children to the American organization Americares.
“In June of 2023, a man was detained at the Ukraine-Slovakia border. An employee of a charity organisation, it was discovered that he was involved in trafficking Ukrainian children abroad, in part, for transplants. A {Ukrainian} court released him on bail set at a suspiciously low 1 million hryvnias despite the grievous nature of his crime, and then he disappeared.”
Medical clinics and universities were/are complicit in biolabs research for genetic specific bioweapons (to target certain ethnic groups) and weaponized vaccines.
Since 1991, the USA had been systematically conducting the military biological occupation of Ukraine according to a report presented by Irina Yarovaya to the Russian Duma Parliamentary Commission on Investigation into Activities of the US Biological Laboratories in Ukraine, April 11, 2023:
In 2021, President Zelensky gave the few remnants of Ukraine’s military sovereignty to the Pentagon, signing secret agreements, including in the field of military biological development and the introduction of biological reconnaissance.
By the end of 2022, it was planned to fully deploy an electronic biological reconnaissance system in Ukraine for the needs of the Pentagon, the Five Eyes intelligence alliance and NATO.
According to the spokeswoman for the authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) there is “confirmed information on Ukrainian nationalists illegally harvesting biological materials from POWs, locals, children, and wounded Ukrainian soldiers. According to existing data, in the active combat zone, 20-30 people per day end up being operated on by the "organ harvesters" many of whom traveled to Artyomovsk from foreign countries specifically for this purpose i.e. to gather “fresh products” to sell.
Does the Ukraine have biolabs funded by the US government/military operating throughout the country? After denying this for years, finally at a US Congressional hearing it was revealed, not only does Ukraine have secret bio labs the US built and funds, but further, Victoria Nuland said, whatever they're doing in those labs is so dangerous that she is quote, "quite concerned that the so-called research material inside those bio labs might fall into the hands of Russian forces.“
What is a bioweapon? The simple definition is: Biological and toxin weapons which are either microorganisms like virus, bacteria or fungi, or toxic substances produced by living organisms that are produced and released deliberately to cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants.
“The Department of Defense confirmed that the U.S. has invested $200 million in Ukraine since 2005, to support 46 Ukrainian laboratories and their research into disease threats as part of the Biological Threat Reduction Program, which involves former Soviet Union countries. However, these labs are owned, operated and managed by Ukraine.”
Organ Harvesting/Money Laundering/Adrenochrome
Organ harvesting is a lucrative, nasty business. The vulture “companies” and “medical researchers” and other euphemisms for these “black transplantologists” such as Elizabeth Debryuk, circle over conflict zones and areas where natural disasters happen. Their best “products” are extracted if the patient/victim is still alive but unconscious. Medical residents, interns and doctors are involved. Those who were portrayed as the “White Hats” in Syria, for example, in essence were the spotters and harvesters for “fresh materials” after or during a conflict. They learned lessons for more efficient and productive organ harvesting during the conflicts in the Middle East and perfected them for use in Ukraine, which is ongoing.
President Zelensky legalized the practice of selling organs from a Ukrainian body of any age, obtained - abroad.
“To those who say it’s not possible, recall that Ukraine has legalised the posthumous donation and sale of organs abroad. What is strange is that members of Zelensky’s team are not interested in making this information public even though they made the decision themselves. “
Experts explain that in most cases, Ukrainian businessmen cannot specify the exact origin of the biomaterial scheduled for delivery. They believe a great deal of it comes from black market transplant specialists that illegally remove organs from the dead bodies of soldiers. Then they simply burn unclaimed remains. These conclusions are confirmed by the high death rate and large number of missing Ukrainian soldiers, as well as by the shortage of specialists and reagents for studying corpses on the territory controlled by the Kiev regime. This allows these criminals to cover their tracks and send human organs and body parts to the western regions of Ukraine, where they are prepared to be sent abroad for transplants.”
A few medical personnel, local citizen witnesses and military discovering these practices-have come forward but they are not given a platform or voice in commercial media in the west. Here is one from Ukraine (with English subtitles):
Military reporting on sophisticated organ harvesting by outside “players” in Donetsk.
These illegal activities provide a conduit for massive money laundering. There is enormous incentive by all involved to keep this “business” and all clients, staff and enforcers, hidden. It’s time to shine a light on these heinous practices in Ukraine and investigate “who benefits” in other countries-including the USA.
Another of these heinous practices is the draining of blood from living, traumatized human beings…preferably children…for adrenochrome. Read this article and watch/listen to this recent report about the discovery of these “labs” and harvesting bloodfarms in Ukraine: The satanic “performing artist” Marina Abramovic was part of this and other “operations”. Marina Abramovic has been appointed as an ambassador for rebuilding schools in Ukraine by President Zelensky. She will be working with children. A concerning appointment indeed.
As Deborah Armstrong concludes in Part Two of her three part series on this topic:
“War, after all, is more about money than it is about “freedom” or “democracy,” no matter how patriotic the pundits may sound when they raise their battle cry. Weapons manufacturers and military contractors make untold billions from wars, so why shouldn’t the healthcare industry, or at least its dark underbelly, also make a profit?”
The Matrix imagery of human beings used as batteries isn’t far off…